Lodging and Hotel Accomodations
Local Lodging
Lodging is available at Swan Lake Christian Camp. Accommodations include hotel style rooms in the Still Waters Retreat Center, individual cabins with twin extra long bunk beds and dormitory style rooms where other runners may be staying. All accommodations are air conditioned and include bedding and towels. Call the camp office to make your reservations and for pricing. (605) 326-5690. Please indicate whether or not you are willing to share a room.
Swan Lake Christian Camp is located in southeastern South Dakota.
From Sioux Falls, 19 miles south on
I-29, take the Hurley/Davis exit (HWY 18 west), 15 miles west to HWY 19, then 3 miles south, and
1 1/4 mile west.
OR 3 miles north and 1 1/4 mile west of Viborg
OR from the Junction of HWY 81 and 18, 15 miles east, 2 miles south and 3/4 east.
There are motels in Beresford (25 minutes to the southeast on Interstate 29), Freeman (25 minutes to the west on Highway 81), and Sioux Falls, SD (35-40 minutes to the northeast).
Nearest airports are Sioux Falls – 45 minute drive, Sioux City – 1 hour drive
Phone: 605-326-5690
Email: campoffice@myslcc.com